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book cover of Shorty Joe: An Autobiography
working cover for Tommy Duncan Discography




Shorty Joe with Hank Williams at Tracy Gardens in San Jose, California in 1952.

Shorty Joe and Hank Williams at Tracy Garden, San Jose, CA 1952

The book is exclusively available online for $14.99 plus tax & shipping from:

Roots and Rhythm



Shorty Joe Quartuccio led a remarkable life. Besides years as a country music disc jockey, singer, songwriter, and band leader, he worked with many test pilots and astronauts as part of his work with N.A.S.A. and it’s predecessor N.A.C.A.


Growing up a poor Sicilian immigrant during the depression, he developed a hard work ethic that had him working multiple jobs. Whether picking produce, working in the canneries, or learning to be a painter, he continued to pursue his passions, first baseball and then music. He never graduated from high school, yet with his World War II Navy aircraft mechanic skills, he was able to work with N.A.C.A. and N.A.S.A. as it helped develop new aircraft and train astronauts. 


His band produced two members of the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame and hosted many country music legends at their weekly shows at Tracy Gardens in San Jose, California. Among those were Hank Williams, Bob Wills, Webb Pierce, George Jones, Lefty Frizzell, Jim Reeves, and Tex Williams. Shorty Joe recorded on Bella Records and his own Golden West Records.


The book has many rare and previously unpublished photographs highlighting his life and career and the many country stars he hosted and backed.

Future project will be a discography of Western Swing singer Tommy Duncan’s solo recordings apart from Bob Wills. It will include label shots and rare photos. It will come in paperback and e-book formats.













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